Golden Ratio
Voting System
Djkstra’s Algorithm

These are the few lessons that have a big impact on me leaving MATAPRE. The others, I did learn, but I have a feeling that these would honestly leave more of an impact for me in the real world. First things first.


– This would affect me as a consumer and as a prospective buyer in the stock market. Why? At least right now, I have an understanding
on how the stock markets work, affecting the prices of various commodities, when to buy them and to know which ones surge in value.
– As a prospective buyer, I know which stocks and companies to buy and invest in. The bonds, Blue Chips and big name companies are all a breeze now since I understand it, but honestly, I wouldn’t see myself investing in the stock market jsut yet.


Golden Ratio:

Ah, this is one of the more important lessons to me. As a student in communication arts, and with photography being one of my skills, it is important that one should know a thing or two about proper composition, what attracts a person’s eye to the subject, and many more. The rule of thirds, many composition grids and similar skills all come down from this. It’s also nice to appreciate nature as it was, since there are countless patterns we don’t notice all the time. (Some pictures attached below of me using the golden ratio in editing)


Voting System:

Here, at least this thing has application for everyone, because everyone has a choice on whether to vote or not, and politics directly and indirectly affect what happens to all of us. Understanding what goes behind voting, the methods of counting and voting is quite essential to understanding the political systems in a way. What this means for us, is that we won’t be clueless voters anymore and understand how the ballots are to be counted.

Screenshot (209)


The internet is huge right now. Lots of files that are of various sizes are being sent back and forth to different people. It’s important the we know on how to encrypt these files since privacy is a big issue right now, and the best way to keep conversations safe between people. Knowing how to decipher/decrypt is also one of those biggest benefits, as to not be bamboozled by what exactly this all means.



AS someone who relies on navigational apps, and is currently amazed with how Grab (not Uber) calculates the quickest routes in order where to go, it was one amazing lesson once the algorithms have been explained to us. Not only is it found in maps, but you can see it too in our daily lives, where we subconciously implement it, picking out the most efficient way to go through our day to the computers we use, with files finding the shortest way to reach you, and other related items.

MATAPRE might have had a lot of lessons and quizzes, but at least, these, I will remember a lot.


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